Indianapolis Moms: An Opportunity To Educate Our Community on Lactation

I love being a writer for Indianapolis Moms. It allows me to express myself and my perspective as a pediatrician/parent in a non-medical setting, which is so refreshing after so many years of data-focused medical notes. It also offers an incredible chance for me to educate many parents about lactation and breastfeeding related truths and tips. As you know, my favorite hobby is busting booby traps, something I get to do often in my articles!

Catch some of my favorite Indianapolis Moms contributions on breastfeeding and laceration topics here:

Busting The Booby Traps: It’s Time We Let These Lactation Myths Go

Busting The Booby Traps Part 2: Letting More Lactation Myths Go

  • The 2nd installment of my Busting The Booby Traps article series, here I tackle whether you need a freezer stash, how much milk babies actually need to drink as they grow, how to properly bottle feed your baby, whether yeast is actually a common cause of pain with breastfeeding, and whether doctors actually know anything about breastfeeding and lactation.

Plugged Ducts Don’t Exist: Debunking Tall Tales In Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding “Tips” That Are Not The Best Idea

  • I just can’t get enough of busting common booby traps that sabotage lactating parents. This time we tackle nipple shields, APNO, and firm breast massage.

Hyperlactation and Oversupply: The Secret Breastfeeding Struggle

  • Many moms suffer in silence with making too much milk. It sounds like a dream problem to those suffering from low or even exact milk production. But in reality, hyperlactation and oversupply come with a LOT of issues including recurrent “plugged ducts”, mastitis, and chronic breast pain. These problems often lead lactating parents with too much milk production to stop breastfeeding sooner than hoped. Here I explain more about why this issue is so under recognized and just how important it is for us to understand it better.

The Milk Bank: Helping Babies In Need


You May Be Bottle Feeding The Wrong Way: The Art of Paced Bottle Feeding


In The News: How Much Do Babies Need To Drink While Breastfeeding?